Friday, January 29, 2010

Keratin Hair Treatment = Hair Loss?

Yesterday, I explained the process of the keratin hair treatment and some of the chemicals / compounds found in the product used for the treatment.

I want to start off by making something very clear, that I will reiterate in every blog I post. The Keratin Hair Treatment that all salons are offering in the U.S., the one that costs hundreds of dollars, is not all natural. Even if the company that manufactures the products your salon is using says "formaldehyde free", please be informed that this is a manipulation of the truth - it is an indirect lie. Although the product doesn't contain raw formaldehyde, it does contain other chemicals within the Aldehyde family (this is the family of chemicals that formaldehyde is in). Be very weary when they try to tell you it's "all natural"!

One more thing to keep in mind -- I have been informed that these products have been banned in Brazil (where they originated from) and by REACH of the European Union. Apparently, after a woman died in a salon in Brazil last year while getting the treatment done, laws were passed to ban the service/products in Brazil. Also, keep this in mind. In the U.S. the legal limit a product can have in it is .2% of formaldehyde or any aldehyde family compound, when the product is in close contact to humans. Some reports say that these products, depending on the company who makes them, have anywhere from 1 - 4% of formaldehyde or aldehyde chemicals. I just can't understand why the FDA has stepped in yet...

Okay, so I wanted to talk about some of the side effects people have been experiencing after receiving these Keratin Treatments. I will start with my own experience, although I feel (so far) that I have been lucky that my reactions have been minimal.

I had been wanting to get this treatment done for the last year, but I couldn't fathom the idea of ponying up $350 for it. My friend had gotten it, and her hair had looked amazing. Last week, I was looking around for ideas on treatments to make my hair healthier, so that I can grow it longer. I was reminded about the keratin Hair Treatment, and found a special at Ulta salons offering the Coppola treatment for only $185. I figured it was a good investment. I had heard some products use formaldehyde, and so I called Ulta to make sure their product didn't have it. I spoke to two different Ulta salons in Illinois, about 5 people total. All said no it didn't, but suggested that I call the Coppola 800 number to ask any questions I had. I called, and spoke to two customer service representatives. Both told me that no, the product didn't contain formaldehyde and one even told me it was "all natural" and completely safe for everyone.

I went ahead and did it. The product didn't smell too bad, so it made me less worried and I thought "well, this product is all natural so it can't be bad for you." There were two other people in the salon getting it done at the same time - so, of course, you start feeling safety in numbers.

I left the salon, my hair pin straight and smooth (although very greasy), and went home. About three hours later my scalp started itching. Then it start burning. Then it started getting red. I called the salon the next day, and the lady who did it told me "don't wash it out". I said, "really? even with the burning?" She told me to call Coppola. Call Coppola for a service you provided?? I asked. My first red flag in all of this was the fact that it felt like Ulta salon employees were trained to have clients "call Coppola".

I have gone to the salon for the last 15 years of my life on a regular basis for a variety of services. I have gotten my hair dyed dark, dyed platinum blond, dyed red, stripped, permed, bleached, cut, relaxed, .. the list goes on and on. I have often asked questions about the products they use, and I have never been told to call the company that makes the products before!

I called Coppola, who told me that it was unlikely that the product was doing this to my scalp. So, it was coincidence that for the first time in my life my scalp is burning and itching like this, when the product is on my hair. She told me to call my salon. So, Ulta Salon says to call Coppola, Coppola says to call my salon. Interesting...

What I noticed next was an awful lot of hair loss. Too much hair loss. I don't shed hair at all, and when I do it is almost always small pieces (I have long hair) that is breaking from the middle point of the strands due to breakage. The hair coming off were long, full pieces - you could see the bulb of the hair on them. Coming right from my head!

I called the salon again, and my lady wasn't available. I told the person I wanted to wash my hair out a day early - right then - but she said "whatever you do do not wash your hair". What?

Finally, I spoke to my stylist and she told me that "you loose 100 hairs a day, and this is just your normal hair loss." I said, no this is not my normal hair loss. "Well," she continued, "usually the hair is going down the drain when you wash it, but not that you haven't washed it for two days you are noticing it on your pillow or in your comb." I explained to her that I use a hair catcher in the tub, and I always know how much hair I am loosing. That I clean my brush out every time before I brush, so I know how much hair I'm loosing. Finally, I practically hung up on her as she was telling me there was no way the product could be doing anything bad and I jumped in the shower to wash.

I have lost a lot more hair than normal, and my scalp is starting to feel better 5 days after I washed for the first time after the treatment. I don't have health insurance at the moment, and I am considering going to a specialist but would like to avoid it due to cost. But, I will go soon if it doesn't get better in the next few days.

I called a dermatologist that specializes in hair loss, and she told me she has seen a number of women with the same reaction to this treatment. I found this very interesting and started doing som research.

I have found quite a few message boards and postings from woman stating they have had enormous hair loss, some 40 - 75% of their hair falling out in clumps, and many have had horrible skin and scalp reactions. The worst thing is, the long term effects are still unknown. The absorption of the chemicals into your scalp, skin, ingesting through your mouth - think about how many times you touch your hair after the treatment, during those 3-4 days it is in your hair, and then touch your mouth or face? Plus, the hair has to stay flat for those days - so it is literally sitting on your face, neck, ears, etc.

For those of you whom have had major consequences and reactions after having this treatment, please email me your story to I will post your story on this blog, and I am hoping that people will start reading it who want to know the truth and the risks before getting the treatment done. I will be starting a Facebook group soon as well, and will post the link on this blog - so please join. I am considering forming a class action lawsuit against the companies that make the product - these products really should be banned in the US!


  1. This technique of hair straightening is necessary to cover the hair cuticle with keratin and retain moisture in the hair. The product is rinsed to reveal the pin straight hair.

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  2. As time goes on, the treatment will leave the hair and the hair will return to its normal state until the next treatment.

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  4. This post is very beneficial for provide the good solution of Keratin Hair Treatment and Hair Loss .really this is good informative post.Thanks for sharing this important information.......
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  5. The keratin found in human hair act as a bond, or a sort of "glue" , for various amino acids, proteins, etc. that compromise the shaft of the human hair compounds.

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  6. Keratin Hair Treatment is suitable for all hair types and it works best on chemically treated hair. It makes the hair soft and silky without causing any side-effects or damage to the hair.keratin treatment sydney deals
